Welcome! In this blog I'll present you my most important video-game projects and my newest creations. If you want to see all my projects so far, check out my portfolio @ "http://shownd.com/dluescher" and walk-/flythrough videos @ "http://www.youtube.com/boesbart" (Game Dev Portfolio Playlist). Enjoy!
Since I wrote about "Project Thunder" some time past. So I decided to show you what changed since then.
It's still just a prototype, if I would make a usable level out of it, i would have to start a new level. That's because I made some mistakes, for example the water level should be much higher to make a realistic deep water. But also I cut some things, I never did a greybox to test the gameplay as another example.
That's why I'm thinking about stopping this project and move on to the Crysis Sandbox 3 Editor, with which I started to work some weeks ago. I have some ideas about what and how I could make an own Singleplayer level, building up on what I did with Project Thunder. But if I switch to Sandbox 3, I will first test out everything, write down a story, build up everything with greyboxes and so on...
But until then, enjoy the second "Project Thunder" walkthrough video :-)
Because I'm not only doing game dev, I want to show you some of my other work. For this purpose, I created a new section at my shownd.com profil. I called it "Photography", but it will you show some other parts of my working-life:
As you can see on the first pictures, I'm also working in the event organization. My main function there is the light and laser equipment, I have to decide what we will use, where we will put them, what the main light concept will be and together with the team "InEchtzeit.ch" I'm designing the life-shows for our self-made show-lasers. At the parties itself my job is to control all the light and laser equipment. The feedback so far was always great, I think people just love the combination of fast moving light, high quality laser shows and electronic music (And it's unique around here. No club in Aarau can provide such a show).
If you are interested in show laser, f.e. need us for the next party ;-), feel free to contact me, or go to inechtzeit.ch and write to the official mail-address.