Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

What I did so far...

Hey everyone!

To get started, I decided to show you some older projects. I will start with the last big project I finished and going back till 2004, when I released my first real successful custom level.

To see all my work:
Pictures @ http://shownd.com/dluescher
Videos @ My Youtube game dev playlist

Last Exit 1.1 - Level Designer Cut  (2010/11)
(Unreal Development Kit) 

This was my last project at Games Academy. We were around 20 students working on it for 4 months. After finishing the school, I had much free time and decided to implement all the things, which were dropped in the last weeks of developement. Because back then we didn't had enough time. That were things like overworking the camp, polishing all the materials, repositioning the bots and so on. For more informations, visit the official Last Exit Blog or go to my portfolio.

Last Exit 1.1 Installer (485 MB) 

2nd semester Level Design Exam (2009/10)
(Gears of War) 

To prove our experience in level design, we had to do an exam at the end of the 2nd semester at Games Academy. The requirements were very basic, we had to make 2 or 3 rooms, put some enemys in it and do some scripting stuff. I think what I did was a bit bigger, and at the end i got 29 out of 30 points for it.

Juno Beach (2004)
(Battlefield 1942 - Forgotten Hope Mod) 

Back in 2004 I was working really hard with a fan made editor for Battlefield 1942, I think it was called "Custom Editor 42". With this editor, it was possible to get much more out of the game as with the regular editor. Because I had much free time, I worked dozens of hours on this level project and so I was able to finish this really big level. It was then played on several good populated servers for some weeks and I got mostly good feedback. Specially about the changing gameplay during the game, because of the different parts in the level, like an open beach, with just a few hiding places for the attacking Canadians, or the town, with only one street for tanks, but many secret paths for the infantry.

By the way... sorry for the bad quality of the video. It was my first video I ever made, so I had little experience about exporting videos for Youtube.


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